After the demo was completed we stopped and had some lunch. The meals we could select from were basiclly hamburgers without the bun. You could order the meat served with cheese or mushrooms or some other topping. Side dishes were rice and a salad or fries. I had the salad/rice option. It was pretty good.
Later in the afternoon we were able to walk around the Kobe waterfront. The area is quite mountainous and very scenic. We walked through a local shopping mall too. This was interesting in that it wasn't heated. The stores were heated, but the main walkways weren't.
Tonight we went out to dinner at a Japanese Steakhouse. The couple next to me ordered prawns (shrimp). These were cooked live on the grill. They weren't very lively, but still moving nonetheless. Oh, and I was wrong about eating shrimp heads the other night at tempura. This was actually the middle body section of legs. If you order sushi spider roll in the US that's what's in it... shrimp legs. Anyway, our meal was lobster and steak. The lobster were wisked from their tank and taken in the kitchen in the back and cut in half. They were still moving when they were brought out for grilling. I wasn't sure how I would feel about this at the beginning of the meal, but the food was great and the preparation actually wasn't bad. After the lobster we had grilled filet mignon. This was absolutely delicious. Very tender and grilled to perfection. Along with the main courses we also ate salad, a small bowl of fish, vegetable soup, grilled garlic and grilled onions, rice, and pickled vegatables. Desert was fresh fruit served with sorbet. All in all this was one of the best meals I have ever eaten.
I am glad the week is done and I can get some rest. I think I am getting a cold...
Here are some pics from today.
Christophe's giant Coke.

A car that got a good laugh from us..

The Kobe waterfront.


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