Friday, January 05, 2007

So Tired

I think I am either a night person or otherwise am just always trying to jam my day full, full, full and typically end up shutting off the light somewhere around midnight.

I guess this worked out ok when I was younger. Or maybe not. Hmmmmm... I can fall asleep nearly anywhere.

My battle to stay awake started in High School. I slept through Geometry, ended up with a D, and had to go to summer school (where I got an A in the class). I used to sleep through my classes in college too. Not a problem in a lecture with 250 other students, but definitely noticeable for my major classes. Once, one of my professors woke me up and asked if I'd like to get a drink of water. Another talked to me about natural sleep cycles and how there is a slow down in the afternoon.

I have fallen asleep in meetings. Back when I was in sales I remember a meeting with an important client where I was struggling to stay awake. Another time a coworker and I missed our afternoon flight to visit one of our plants and we ended up getting in to the hotel well after midnight. During the afternoon the next day I was battling to stay awake. I was trying to continue to take notes in a meeting and later on we all got a laugh out of my meaningless scrawl.

I often fall asleep when I am a passenger in a car. The last time I was in the UK I spent nearly the entire drive to one of our customer locations taking a nap. Fortunately I have never nodded off while driving, but there have been times when I was so tired I was afraid that I might.

I guess I notice it more now because I don't want to be drowsy at work - it's hard to accomplish anything when all of your energy is going into staying awake - and I am drowsy pretty often.
Maybe I need to trim down the number of things I am trying to do during the day and make sleep a higher priority. Once I get into a regular habit of going to bed earlier then I can re-evaluate and find out if something like sleep apnea is keeping me from getting fully rested.

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